Get to know me

And what I do :)


How I started

First of all, I'm self taught. I started my intial interest in programming during a 1 year course at a folk highschool learning about game development using the Unity engine.

I later transitioned over to web development & app development as it seemed to be a better fit for what my brain liked to do.

Where I grew up

I grew up on a relatively medium sized island on the western most coast of Norway, in a small town with a population of about 300

I eventually moved to the eastern side of Norway where I have so far spent the majority of my life.

What I like to do

On my free time I spend most of the my time either playing games like Factorio & RuneScape (to name a few). During summer times I enjoy taking the occasional fishing trip in one of the many small lakes that surround me.

I also build some cool projects whenever I have the chance, or if that lacks the energy I am in i take to online courses where I focus on learning new technologies that are relevant within the web and app development ecosystem.

Technologies I know